Thursday, February 9, 2017

Week 4 Story Planning: A Dream

Bibliography: Andre Ferdinand Herold, The Life of Buddha, .

Story Planning:In this week’s reading, I read about Siddhartha Buddha. I always found him to be an interesting being with very universal teachings. I really like the stories of his journeys and of his realizations along the way. I thought it was particularly interesting how Buddha was so able to leave his family and friends behind and go live in solitude. I think it would be hard to have lived such a loved, privileged life and then to leave it all behind to grow as a person. There was a quote from the reading this week that I found particularly interesting: I can no longer live in a world that is but a dream. I thought this quote would be interesting to build a story off of. So my plan is to write a story about a really vivid, detailed dream that feels very real. At the end of the story, the person will wake up from the dream and realize that their life is entirely different from this dream, but that they believed this dream was their reality during it. I think that this leaves a lot of possibilities for the content of the dream, and I’m open to any suggestions that anyone has that would be an interesting theme for the dream. However, I do plan to employ other teachings from Buddha into the dream, as I think that he has some very interesting teachings that could be used allegorically. I think that in the dream, the person will live an extravagant, lush life, and the person will grow accustomed to this life throughout the entirety of the story. However, when the person wakes up, they’ll realize that their life is actually rather meek and undesirable. They’ll have a tedious, laborious job and they will have a lot of obligations that they must fulfill. I think that centering my story around this quote will allow for a lot of interpretation and creativity in my own story.


  1. Ellie, I love your idea. I think it could be fun and definitely does leave you open for a lot of possibilities. I'm ignorant when it comes to Buddhist teachings, so I don't think I can suggest much for content of the dream. I wish I could give some suggestions but I'm coming up with nothing right now. I think your story has the potential to be very powerful and I hope I have time to come back and read it next week!!

  2. Ellie, I think your idea for your story next week would be great. That quote is really great and I think writing a story off of this would be very interesting. I always love stories that make you think something is occurring when all of a sudden they wake up from a dream. You could always have a contrasting story between them being super rich or successful and go back to being in their boring old real life. Can’t wait to read the story next week. Good luck!
