Monday, April 24, 2017

Growth Mindset: Growth in Training

Caption: A line of triathletes waiting to swim. Link.

I've recently picked up the sport of triathlons. I did my first ever triathlon back in December and I immediately fell in love with them. I've been training and on April 2, I completed my first Half Iron Man, going a total of 70.3 miles. Training was admittedly very hard and I didn't train quite like I had wanted to for it. I was hoping to have trained a bit harder so I would be more prepared. However, there were many times where I wasn't training for the goal of becoming a better athlete and preparing for my triathlons to come. There were many times where when I was training, I was just trying to finish the workout I had set for myself to do. I wasn't working for a larger goal, I was just thinking about accomplishing the task at hand. I think that I could apply growth mindset to my goal of becoming a better triathlete and preparing for my future triathlons. That way, I don't look at the individual workouts as something to get over with, but as stepping stones to the bigger goal at hand.

1 comment:

  1. Holy smokes I got tired for you just reading that post!!
    I really can not imagine the amount to dedication and self perseverance it takes to do something like that. My brother did the half iron man as well and I will say, he had the same mindset as you. It takes a certain kind of person!
    Well done!
