Monday, April 24, 2017

Week 14 Tech Tip: Editing Pins

Caption: Meteora Monastaries.
Tech tip: For this week's tech tip, I learned how to edit a pin on pinterest. This was particularly helpful because I'm an avid user of pinterest but I never edit any of the captions, I just repin them as is. I don't use pinterest for school, I use it to keep all of my interests in one place. I edited a particular pin on my travel board. I love traveling and it's useful to update the pins with more about the places that I'm interested in traveling to so I can look at the pictures and see exactly where they are.

1 comment:

  1. That is really neat and not something I would have ever thought of. There are so many advancements to these social media platforms. I am an advertising major and Pinterest has promoted pins now – it used to be strictly user based with no advertising. I think it’s crazy how developed these platforms are when in high school we had no idea what was about to come.
